Albertus Hadi Pramono

Albertus Hadi Pramono

Political Ecology

Albertus Hadi Pramono was a biologist, but then decided to be a human geographer. After finishing his first degree he spent eight years in environmental movement in Indonesia with research and managerial positions. He took post-graduate studies in geography with the emphases on political ecology and cultural geography for his masters and doctoral degrees respectively. His research interests are the right-based approach in forestry and biodiversity conservation, the application of participatory mapping for community-based resource planning, and the interaction between knowledge systems, and history of cartography. He is also very much interested in promoting conservation social science in Indonesia.


2021Mitigating social ecological risks from the surge in China’s overseas investment: an Indonesian profile
2021Chapter Book (Peran sentral manusia dalam konservasi keanekaragaman hayati)
2021Chapter Book (Penelitian partisipatif dalam program konservasi keanekaragaman hayati)
2017Menegaskan Pengakuan Kedaulatan Rakyat Atas Ruang: refleksi gerakan pemetaan partisipatif di Indonesia saat ini
2014Meneropong Peta-peta Wilayah Adat dalam Kerangka Kebiijakan Indonesia
2014Perlawanan atau pendisiplinan?: sebuah refleksi kritis atas pemetaan wilayah adat
2013Guidelines on Participatory Village Boundary Settings
2013Ngekar Utatn Raat Kite: A Look Into Cartographic Encounters in Counter-Mapping Exercises in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
2012Introduction: Indigenous Cartographies and Counter Mapping
2010Chapter Book (Cartographic encounters within counter-mapping in West Kalimantan)
2009Menuju Demokratisasi Pemetaan: refleksi gerakan pemetaan partisipatif di Indonesia
2008Chapter Book (Mapping boundaries, shifting power: the socio-ethical dimensions of participatory mapping)
2006Facing Future: Encouraging Cartographic Literacy in Indigenous Communities
2006Mapping power: ironic effects of spatial information technology
2005Seri Panduan Pemetaan Partispatif
2005Chapter Book (Institutional implications of counter-mapping to Indonesian NGO’s. )

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