Anargha Setiadi

Anargha Setiadi, M. Sc.

Research Associate (Ecology & Marine Biology)

Anargha Setiadi is an early career researcher focusing on tropical marine ecosystems and biodiversity. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from University of Indonesia, and earned his Master’s in Marine Biology and Ecology from James Cook University, Australia. His interests include the ecology, climate resilience and restoration of coral reefs and other tropical marine ecosystems, management and biological effects of marine protected areas, taxonomy and ecology of marine invertebrates, and ecology of tropical elasmobranchs.

He recently joined RCCC-UI in 2017 as a researcher after his graduation from James Cook University, and is currently working on issues pertaining to the ecology and conservation of anchialine lakes and pools in Central Indonesia. At times, he acts as a science illustrator for various publications and projects.



2019A new genus and two new species of sea stars (Family Asterinidae) from Indonesian marine lakes, with notes on habitat and feeding ecology

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