

The Climate Reality Project, founded by Nobel Laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore, is a diverse group of passionate individuals who have come together to solve the greatest challenge of our time. Matthew Boms serves as international manager for The Climate Reality Project in Washington, DC, supporting the organization’s international branches in Australia, Brazil,...
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Hornbill is one of bird species that have the benefits for ecosystem forest sustainability. They eat the fruit of plant in forest and help to spread that seed. As one of conservation effort for hornbill in Indonesia forest, Eric Gulson is researcher from United State, cooperate with Fullbright, Burung Indonesia, FMIPA UI and RCCC-UI, to...
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Forestry sector is the largest contributor to carbon emissions in Indonesia. This is mainly due to the loss of forest because of fire and conversion into other uses. It is very likely that carbon emissions from forestry sector can be eliminated or significantly reduced if forest management is improved and successful in protecting forest cover...
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In January 16, 2019, Research Center for Climate Change University of Indonesia (RCCC-UI) have the opportunity to showcase our works in Science Expo 2019, that included in the event series of Dies Natalies Faculty of Math and Science University of Indonesia. Our stand shows some publication of finished and ongoing project, displayed product (e.g. books...
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Based on development of  palm plantation in Indonesia, RCCC-UI (Research Center for Climate Change Universitas Indonesia) with Nebraska University, Wageningen University & Research, and Global yield gap atlas, hold the survey training of Developing Solutions for Closing The Yield Gap in Independent Smallholder Oil in Building Lab Multidisiplin Pertamina FMIPA-UI, University of Indonesia, Depok. The...
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We, a group of 32 professionals committed to food and economic security for Indonesia from a wide range of organizations, have discussed and debated the scientific evidence regarding yield gaps and plant nutrition status in rice and maize fields and independent smallholder oil palm fields in  Indonesia derived from the Global Yield Gap Atlas (GYGA) project....
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Deforestation in Indonesia is a long-standing, complex problem. From 2001 to 2021, Indonesia lost 4.12 million hectares of forest cover, according to Global Forest Watch. Deforestation has brought not only widespread ecological losses, but also profound social and economic losses. There are further impacts, such as the local food crisis, stunting, and unequal climate justice...
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Based on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the necessary non-binding action plans on climate, RCCC (Research Center for Climate Change Universitas Indonesia) with Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC),  and Curtin University with financial support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, hold  the hybrid workshop “Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Indonesia: Updates,...
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Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Indonesia: Updates, Issues and Options Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the necessary non-binding action plans on climate change targeted by each country as their long-term goals on reducing emissions and combating climate change impacts. NDCs are intended to be dynamic; countries regularly update them and advance the level of...
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