Christian Silangen, SE, MBA

Christian Silangen, SE, MBA

Economic and Land-based Sector Expert

Christian Silangen is a researcher at Research Centre for Climate Change – University of Indonesia (RCCC – UI) who focuses on socio-economic analysis as well as environmental issues and their interrelationships with economic science with over eight years of experience in various research projects. He is also an expert in econometrics and quantitative analysis with expertise and experiences in various statistical analysis and research methodologies. He holds a Master of Business Administration from Brandeis University, Massachusetts, USA. Aside from his experiences in teaching in higher education, he has a lot of experiences in various socio-economic studies such as Analysing the socio-economic impact of road construction in the Bukit Barisan Selatan national park area; Stranded coal assets in Indonesia; Relationship between agriculture and biodiversity in tropical rainforest area; Scenario-based planning linking the environmental and economic issues of indigenous peoples in the High Conservation Value (HCV) areas in Kampar, Riau and Sigi, Central Sulawesi; Prioritization and selection of climate change adaptation and resilience activities and programs in Indonesia; and involved in the review of general allocation funds (Dana Alokasi Umum, DAU) for forest-rich districts in Indonesia as well as various investment strategic plans for private and public sectors.

Holle, Mukhlish JM, Silangen, C., Oktalira, F.T. and Mumbunan, S., 2021. What evidence exists on the relationship between agricultural production and biodiversity in tropical rainforest areas? A systematic map protocol. Environmental Evidence, 10(1), pp.1-13.

Academic Review Team. 2019. Naskah Akademik Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) Mempertimbangkan Luas Tutupan Hutan Daerah

R. Wahyudi, C. Silangen. K. Nisa. 2019. Panduan Prioritisasi Aksi Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Pengurangan Risiko Bencana

S. Mumbunan, U. L. Purnamasari, A.A. Zahra, A.R. Muhamad, C. Silangen, N. Winarni. 2018. Project Report. Ekonomi masyarakat adat yang bergantung pada ekosistem bernilai konservasi tinggi. Hasil scenario planning untuk tingkat lanskap dan tingkat desa di Taman nasional Lore Lindu, Sulawesi Tengah

S. Mumbunan, C. Silangen. A. Sari. 2018. Stranded assets, carbon risk, and coal mines in Indonesia

Patricia, P. and Silangen, C., 2016. The effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention in Indonesia. DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 11(1), pp.67-86.

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