Dr. Arif Zulkifli S.T., M.M.

Dr. Arif Zulkifli S.T., M.M.

Energy, Waste, & Hazardous Waste

Arif Zulkifli is an associate researcher at Research Centre for Climate Change – University of Indonesia (RCCC-UI) who focuses on the governance aspects of the energy and land-based sector, mainly forestry and mining. He is also a home-based lecturer at Mercu Buana University and holds a doctorate in Environmental Science from the University of Indonesia. Arif has in-depth knowledge and extensive experiences in land use aspects in forest and land areas and how to synergize land use by communities, especially social forestry communities, with jurisdictional land use planning contained in spatial and regional planning. He is an environmental activist who actively writes and has published various books on the environment published by various leading publishers in Indonesia. He also has an extensive network with stakeholders in the forestry, mining, and energy sectors, both national and subnational levels. Arif has supported the Ministry of Home Affairs in developing a module to integrate Provincial Energy Plan (RUED) into Provincial Mid-Term Development Plans (RPJMD). He also involved in various projects related to investment strategy in renewable energy in the context of energy transition in Indonesia.

Zulkifli, A. 2020. Sustainable Forest Management, Environmental Perspective, Graha Ilmu Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-623-228-775-4.

Zulkifli, A. 2020. Green Marketing: redefinition of Green Product, Green Price, Green Place and Green Promotion, Graha Ilmu Publisher, Jakarta ISBN: 978-623-228-777-8.

Zulkifli, A. 2018. Green Industry, Salemba Empat Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-979-9549-48-8.

Zulkifli, A. Waste Management, Teknosain Publisher, Jakarta ISBN: 978-602-6324-32-0.

Zulkifli, A. 2017. Islamic View of The Environment, Ecobook Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-602-61339-0-8.

Zulkifli, A. 2015. Sustainable City Management, Graha Ilmu Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-602-262-436-3.

Zulkifli, A. 2014. Sustainable Waste Management, Graha Imu Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-602-262-249-9.

Zulkifli, A. 2014. Sustainable Mining Management, Graha Ilmu Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-602-262-216-1.

Zulkifli, A. Environmental Science Basics, Salemba Empat Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-979-9549-39-6.

Zulkifli, A. 2013. Jakarta Flood, Solutions Not Adaptation, Leutikaprio Publisher, Jakarta. ISBN 978-602-225-780-6.


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