Drs. Haryono

Drs. Haryono

Social Anthroplogy

Drs. Haryono who is called Bang Yono is a researcher at the Center for Anthropological Studies at the University of Indonesia and joins several other research institutions within the University of Indonesia. His research interests include social forestry, culture, health anthropology, and ethnographic studies of rural communities. He has been involved in the socialization of sustainable production forest management certification and became an assessor for sustainable production forest management. Together with his colleague Semiarto Aji Purwanto, he wrote the book “Searching for Local Economic Alternatives: The Case of Village Communities Around Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan”. Together with Semiarto Aji, he also wrote an article entitled “Dimensions of Adat and Dayak Communities in East Kalimantan”.

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