Policy Research

There is some example of project that have we do, base on policy research.

A Social-economic Impact Assessment of Road Development Plan in the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra (TRHS): The Case of Kerinci Seblat National Park | The research was done in March – October 2015 by RCCC UI with funding from UNESC and full support from UNESCO Jakarta office. The assessment focused on the impact on social-economy of the planned road development on Kerinci Seblat National Park. We aimed to have a better understanding at the relevancy of social-economic aspect and the stakeholders; to find the policy options on the road development which reflects the social-economic aspirations; to understand the preferences of the stakeholders from individual to upper bureaucrat level; to project the assessment results into bigger context, so it could provide information and recommendation for future strategic environmental planning.

Restoration plan of tin mine closure, Bangka Belitung Islands Province in collaboration with Sustainable Sumatra Funds (SSF) | This research aimed to develop an alternative concept of development and management of land restoration after tin mining and other critical areas throughout the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. The output of this research is a model of development and restoration concept on post-mining landscapes to examine in detail all the potential, roles, functions, and aspects of the natural phenomena problem of Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

Assessment for Updating and Mapping: Readiness of Indonesia to Implement NAMAs Program | In cooperation between RCCC UI and National Committee on Climate Change (DNPI), it is clear that NAMAs’ existence and importance is needed for developing countries like Indonesia. Funded by The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Indonesia sees NAMAs as an opportunity toward low-carbon development (green growth), financial support, and technology.

Policy paper on Population Dynamics of Population and Climate Change with BKKBNPreparation of draft population policy in Indonesia is important facing the climate change, in particular to improve the quality of the women’s role to climate change and population mobility. This research is affiliated with BKKBN.

Needs assessment on developing evaluation system of low carbon development for Indonesia | This research was developed as the basis of design development assessment (state-of-the-art) and system monitoring of climate development studies. This research was affiliated with National Council for Climate Change (DNPI).

Institutional analysis of intermediaries in payment for ecosystem services | This research was affiliated with Department of Economics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany. Dr. Sonny Mumbunan was the representative of RCCC – UI.

Extractive industry revenue transparency forestry – from EITI to REDD | The research is affiliated with Article 33 and led by Dr. Sonny Mumbunan.

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