Rico Wahyudi

Riko Wahyudi, S.Hut., M.Sc.

Forest Governance, Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change, Climate Finance, Carbon Trading, REDD+, Renewable Energy, and Environmental and Social Safeguard

Riko has has in-depth knowledge and extensive experiences (12 years) in forest governance, energy transition and climate change issues. Riko participated in developing Forest Management Unit (FMU) long-term plans in several areas in Indonesia. He is also involved in various work plans of Social Forestry (SF) groups in Sumatra and Borneo islands. He also has profound experiences in integrating area-based FMU planning, including Social Forestry permit areas with multi-jurisdictional planning while developing sustainable funding mechanisms for FMUs and Social Forestry groups and designing appropriate institutions with the support of various donor agencies such as World Bank, GIZ, UNDP, GOPA, AHT, USAID, Trend Asia, etc. He is also in-depth knowledge dan having experiences in developing and implementing carbon mechanisms in Indonesia, mainly: carbon trading, carbon credit/offset and result-based payment (RBP) mechanisms to achieve Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). In energy sector, Riko has also involved in developing draft of President Regulation regarding role between national government and subnational government on renewable energy and President Regulation on Economic Value of Carbon, mainly to build governance of carbon trading in energy sector. He also developed a module to integrated national/subnational energy grand plans into subnational mid-term development pland and framed through a Home Affairs Minister Regulation. Riko is also the Secretary General of the Indonesian Association of Climate Change and Forestry Experts (APIK Indonesia).


Peer Review Journal

Wahyudi, R., Pellini, K.E., Haryanto, J.T., and Zamzani, F. 2021. Can Forest Management Unit facilitate adaptive co-management reform in Indonesia?” International Forestry Review, 23 (2), pp 230-243. The paper also presented at the 13th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), Turku, Finland, 18-21 June 2019. https://doi.org/10.1505/146554821832952753

Sujai, M., Mizuno, K., Soesilo, T.E.B., Wahyudi, R., and Haryanto, J.T. 2021. Village Fund for Peatlands Restoration: Study of Community’s Perceived Challenges and Opportunities in Muaro Jambi District. Forest and Society, 5 (2). https://doi.org/10.24259/fs.v5i2.14187

Wahyudi, R., and Wicaksono, R.L. Policy Forum: Village Fund for REDD+ in Indonesia. 2020. Forest Policy and Economics, 119. The paper also presented at the 2018 International Society of Tropical Foresters Conference, Yale University, New Heaven, CT, USA, 1-3 February 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102274

Mumbunan, S., and Wahyudi, R. 2016. Revenue loss from legal timber in Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economic, 71, pp 115-123. The paper had also been presented at the 24th World Congress of the International Union for Forest Research Organization (IUFRO), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2016.06.025  

Working Paper

Susilawati, D., Wahyudi, R., and Nisa, K. 2019. Supply-Demand Timber and Implementation of SVLK in Aceh Province. Research Report. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – SICCR TAC: Jakarta.

Pellini, K.E., Wahyudi, R., Setyarso, A., Hindra, B., and Nisa, K. 2018. An Assessment of Aceh’s Forest Management Units. Research Report. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – SICCR TAC: Jakarta.

Wahyudi, R. 2017. An assessment of village funds: Creating fiscal incentive mechanism in Aceh Province. Research Report. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – SICCR TAC: Jakarta.

Wahyudi, R., Antagia, A., Wicaksono, R.L., Mohammad, A.R. 2016. Budget tagging for local climate change mitigation actions: The case of Jambi Province. Proceedings of National Seminar of APIK Indonesia, 31 August – 1 Sept 2016 in Jakarta.

Wahyudi, R., Mumbunan, S., Mohammad, A.R. 2016. The GARDEMA fund: Preliminary assessment on how responsibilities are assigned for decision, implementation and financing in and for the villages in Malinau, North Kalimantan. Technical Note. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – FORCLIME: Jakarta.

Wahyudi, R., and Mumbunan, S. 2014. A misguided discourse? Rent and Benefit Sharing Mechanism from reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia. Presented at The International Society for Ecological Economics Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 13-15, 2014.


Wahyudi, R., and Dharmawan, I.W.S. 2021. Pembelajaran dalam merancang mekanisme pembagian manfaat pembayaran penurunan emisi berbasis yurisdiksi di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. (Lessons learned from designing benefit sharing mechanism of result-based payment of jurisdiction-based emission reduction in province of East Kalimantan). Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB) Press: Bogor, West Java.

Mumbunan, S., Wahyudi, R., Mohammad, A.R. 2016. Rimbo lestari, rakyat indak sejahtro: Mekanisme pembagian manfaat dan konservasi hutan adat di Bungo, Jambi (Sustainable forest, unwealthy people: Benefit sharing mechanism and customary forest conservation in Bungo, Jambi). University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) Press: Yogyakarta.

Wahyudi, R. 2015. Penataan Kelembagaan Satu Informasi Perizinan (SIP) sektor berbasis lahan di Indonesia (Institutional arrangement for one information system (SIP) of land-based sector in Indonesia). In T.N. Samadhi dan S. Mumbunan (eds). 2015. Mining, Forestry and Plantation: Governance of Licensing and State Revenues in Land-Based Sector. Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB) Press.

Wahyudi, R. 2015. Aliran penerimaan: PNBP Kehutanan dan Pertambangan (Revenues stream: Forestry and Mining Non-Tax Revenues). In T.N. Samadhi dan S. Mumbunan (eds). 2015. Mining, Forestry and Plantation: Governance of Licensing and State Revenues in Land-Based Sector. Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB) Press

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