Prof. Chris R. Margules
Chris Margules is Adjunct Professor at James cook in Australia and Research Associate at the Research Center for Climate Change, University of Indonesia. His current interest focuses on integrating conservation and development at the landscape or seascape scale. Previously, he design and implemented a large-scale experiment on the ecological effects of habitat fragmentation and played a key role in discovering and then implementing the idea of complementary in systematic conservation planning.
Chris Margules was a research scientist and later research manager at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for 32 years, where he led programs on landscape management and sustainable development in the tropics. He join Conservation International in 2006 and later become Senior Vice-President and leader of the Asia Pacific Division. He has worked in number of Asian countries, the Pacific region and southern Africa as well as Australia. He was a fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin in 1994. He received order of Australia honors in the General Division (AM) for services to science in 2005.
Email : chrismargules@gmail.com