

Indonesian Climate Change Crisis

Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ribuan titik kebakaran hutan menyala di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia, khususnya Pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan, menyebabkan polusi karbon besar-besaran, kematian karena ISPA, menghancurkan habitat serta mendorong orangutan dan satwa langka lainnya semakin dekat pada kepunahan. Tekanan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tata kelola kehutanan dan menangani kebakaran hutan semakin meningkat bersamaan dengan persiapan Indonesia untuk mendiskusikan komitmen perubahan iklimnya dalam COP 21 UNFCCC di Paris bulan Desember ini. Kuliah umum ini membahas berbagai tantangan dan kesempatan yang dihadapi Indonesia untuk mengatasi masalah kebakaran hutan. 

UN SDSN National Workshop

Currently, most of citizens live in the city. More than 3.5 million people occupy only 2% of the earth’s land, but account for 60 – 80% of energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions. The number of population in urban ares will rapidly increase by almost 60% in 2030. Along with global trends, urbanization in Indonesia rose slightly from 42% in 2000 to 52% in 2013 which created challenges such as low funding to ensure basic public services, energy efficiency, pollution, transportation, water availability, food security, and waste management. There are three basic needs of sustainability on urban development in island and coastal environment that will be discussed in SDSN National Meeting 2015: clean water, food security, and waste management. Clean water is a vital needs of living. However, clean water still become expensive natural resource in some island and coastal environment. 

Climate Change Danger

Center for Anthropological Study (Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) University of Indonesia in collaboration with Research Center for Climate Change -- University of Indonesia (RCCC UI) and Research and Publication FISIP UI proudly present a seminar entitled:

Climate Change: It's Danger for Our Production and Why It Escapes Our Prediction

with Prof. Cornelis J. (Kees) Stigter (Agromet Vision, The Netherlands and Indonesia) as the main speaker and moderated by Dr. Lisman Manurung (Department of Administration Science, University of Indonesia). The seminar will be started with opening speeches from Dr. Arie Setiabudi Soesilo, M.Sc. (Dean of FISIP UI) and Dr. Jatna Supriatna (Director of RCCC UI).

Can Indonesia Develop without Destroying Its Environment?

A public lecture on sustainable development in Indonesia is being held on April, 9 2015 in the University of Indonesia Center Library. The lecture entitled “Can Indonesia Develop without Destroying Its Environment?”  was focused on the challenges facing in the Insular South East Asia region, including the issues for forest landscape, smaller islands and coastal areas.

Answering the Challenges: The Role of Innovative Science in Building a Sustainable Future

A one day workshop entitled “Answering the Challenges: The Role of Innovative Science in Building a Sustainable Future” had been conducted at University of Indonesia campus, Depok. Hosted by Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences (FMIPA) UI, this workshop was a result from collaboration between Indonesia and Sweden which shared the same ideas of innovation and sustainability. The workshop was held at Balai Sidang UI on June 2nd, 2014 and started with the opening remarks by H.E. Ambassador of Sweden and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Anis, M.Met. (Rector of UI). The line of speakers included Prof. Dr. Bambang P. Brodjonegoro (Vice Minister of Finance), Prof. Dr. Niclas Adler (President of I3L—Indonesia International Institute of Life Sciences), Prof. Dr. Jan Sopaheluwakan (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), Prof. Dr. Sangkot Marzuki (Eijkman Institute of Sciences), General (Ret.) Luhut B. Pandjaitan, MPA (Leader of Bhakti Pertiwi Foundation), Dr. Nurul Taufikurahman (Director Center for Innovation at LIPI), and Dr. Dadang Rukmana (Director for City Planning, Ministry of Public Works). In the afternoon session, Prof. Emil Salim has made a special appearance at the workshop.

Pengembangan Transportasi Massal Pasca Kenaikan BBM

Studi ADB (2012) menemukan bahwa sektor transportasi di Indonesia sedang menghadapi tantangan kapasitas institusi, kurangnya jaringan infrastruktur pendukung, rendahnya kualitas pada jaringan infrastruktur yang ada, dan inefisiensi operasi sehingga komponen biaya transportasi Indonesia lebih tinggi dari negara lain di kawasan Asia Timur. Pengembangan transportasi massal belum menjadi prioritas kebijakan dan pendanaan pemerintah nasional dan daerah. Transportasi darat masih memerlukan penambahan panjang jalan raya dan rel kereta api pada perjalanan antarkota dan belum ada kota di Indonesia yang memiliki transportasi massal selain bis dan kereta api. Jumlah dan frekuensi kapal feri pada transportasi laut masih jauh dari memadai. Pelabuhan dan lapangan terbang telah melebihi kapasitas dengan waktu tunggu yang terus bertambah, sedangkan pengembangan masih berjalan perlahan. Belum lagi permasalahan BBM yang terus disubsidi oleh pemerintah sepanjang tahun. Implikasinya, proporsi anggaran pemerintah pusat untuk keperluan pembangunan akan terus tergerus oleh subsidi BBM.

Alternative Financing for Forestry

This seminar has been conducted on January 10th, 2014 in a collaboration between RCCC UI and CEES CU with financial aid from USAID. The speakers included Ir. Medrilzam, MPE, Ph.D. (candidate) (BAPPENAS) and Dr. Mubariq Ahmad (World Bank Indonesia - FE UI). The seminar aimed to give conceptual understanding on innovative financing to helps reduce the rate of deforestation and forest conversion. Furthermore, it was designed to give information on financial and environmental aspect of sustainable forestry financing.

Biodiversity as the Main Resource for National Development

The seminar entitled "Biodiversity as the Main Resource for National Development" was held on 30-31 October 2013 at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. The seminar itself was established by Ministry of Environment RI alongside the commemoration of Day of Appreciation for Flora and Wildlife. The seminar was divided into two main events. The first was public seminar and the second was exhibition consisting of various booth and poster session from participants. Both events were conducted throughout the two-days seminar.

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