
Geographic Information System (GIS) Basic Training

The GIS training which has been conducted by RCCC UI was aimed to introduce the GIS as a software which is easy to use and could be utilized as spatial decision support system (SDSS) to help making decision upon spatial analysis assessment. GIS and remote sensing are important field of study for climate change research in Indonesia.

Every project at least required to have one or two regional mapping which is the application of GIS. Based on the importance of this software's role, RCCC UI was planned to conducting GIS training for its staff and researcher in hope to increase skill and capability of RCCC UI human resources for supporting work program and research related with spatial assessment and climate change. The training was started at October 2011 and has been running once every week with the lesson being GIS basic and its application. The training is carried out by some of UI's geography expert led by Bambang Marhaendra, S.Si., M.E., which is a researcher in the field of GIS and remote sensing from RCCC UI itself, alongside his assistant (Riyaldi Aries, S.Si. and Hari Prayoga, S.Si.). For the purpose of training, he made a training module published by RCCC UI.

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