
Focused Discussion Forum: The Development of Climate Change Issue and Its Controlling Effort from Various Sector and Scientific Base

Exclusive discussion on climate change with UKP-PPP (UKP4) which was led by Dr. Rachmat Witoelar and facilitated by RCCC UI has been conducted on February 19th, 2013 at PAU building 2nd floor. The discussion, which is a part of UKP-PPI discussion safari, was conducted as the need for establishing scientific bases related to climate change control and strengthening UKP4 team understanding to be able to help government on international discussions.

The exclusive discussion on climate change has been conducted on February 19th, 2013, taking place at PAU building 2nd fl. between 10.00 – 12.30 with lunch as closing agenda. The discussion was opened by Mrs. Endang Winiati from DRPM UI with Dr. Jatna Supriatna as facilitator from RCCC UI. The discussion was started with explanation of RCCC UI profile such as mission, target, roadmap, research, and training by Dr. Jatna Supriatna.

The discussion was later proceeded with presentation from Dr. Rachmat Witoelar about climate change control. The presentation discussed about the basic of climate change science, international negotiation, and also the challenges that will be faced. In his presentation, Dr. Rachmat Witoelar stated that UKP4 was being open-handed with advices and the latest information about international climate change issues. He also stated the importance of university as the base of scientific research to handle with climate change. On the same day, Dr. Rachmat Witoelar took a chance to convey a booklet published by UKP4 entitled 'International Discussion on Climate Change Control'.

The discussion then moved to the next agenda which is interactive question with participants. Some questions include of how serious the president handles the climate change issue. The sea-level rise issue also get the attention of the forum related its impact to coastal area and small islands, including how national strategic plan would be. Another questions and discussions were about how to make good use of university and DNPI as a pool for climate change research so the results could be applied.

On the discussion, Dr. Rachmat Witoelar made sure that Indonesia has been progressing with climate change handling. He also explained about how to calculate nation's emission cut as a aggregate, not as a sectoral. The highest Indonesia 's emission came from LULUCF and waste management, not from energy consumption. Dr. Rachmat Witoelar also stated his appreciation towards the participants.

This discussion was attended by 26 participants from climate research center inside UI circle, researcher, and academician from UI also from other universities and institutions. The participants of 33 persons also came from RCCC and DRPM UI, Center for Ageing Studies, Center for Energy Studies, Tropenbos, FISIP UI, and Department of Biology FMIPA UI.

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