

Pengembangan Transportasi Massal Pasca Kenaikan BBM

Studi ADB (2012) menemukan bahwa sektor transportasi di Indonesia sedang menghadapi tantangan kapasitas institusi, kurangnya jaringan infrastruktur pendukung, rendahnya kualitas pada jaringan infrastruktur yang ada, dan inefisiensi operasi sehingga komponen biaya transportasi Indonesia lebih tinggi dari negara lain di kawasan Asia Timur. Pengembangan transportasi massal belum menjadi prioritas kebijakan dan pendanaan pemerintah nasional dan daerah. Transportasi darat masih memerlukan penambahan panjang jalan raya dan rel kereta api pada perjalanan antarkota dan belum ada kota di Indonesia yang memiliki transportasi massal selain bis dan kereta api. Jumlah dan frekuensi kapal feri pada transportasi laut masih jauh dari memadai. Pelabuhan dan lapangan terbang telah melebihi kapasitas dengan waktu tunggu yang terus bertambah, sedangkan pengembangan masih berjalan perlahan. Belum lagi permasalahan BBM yang terus disubsidi oleh pemerintah sepanjang tahun. Implikasinya, proporsi anggaran pemerintah pusat untuk keperluan pembangunan akan terus tergerus oleh subsidi BBM.

Alternative Financing for Forestry

This seminar has been conducted on January 10th, 2014 in a collaboration between RCCC UI and CEES CU with financial aid from USAID. The speakers included Ir. Medrilzam, MPE, Ph.D. (candidate) (BAPPENAS) and Dr. Mubariq Ahmad (World Bank Indonesia - FE UI). The seminar aimed to give conceptual understanding on innovative financing to helps reduce the rate of deforestation and forest conversion. Furthermore, it was designed to give information on financial and environmental aspect of sustainable forestry financing.

Biodiversity as the Main Resource for National Development

The seminar entitled "Biodiversity as the Main Resource for National Development" was held on 30-31 October 2013 at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. The seminar itself was established by Ministry of Environment RI alongside the commemoration of Day of Appreciation for Flora and Wildlife. The seminar was divided into two main events. The first was public seminar and the second was exhibition consisting of various booth and poster session from participants. Both events were conducted throughout the two-days seminar.

Benefit Sharing of Forest Utilization

The seminar entitled "Benefit Sharing of Forest Utilization: Alternative Financing for Indigenous Communities and the Environment" was held by collaboration of RCCC UI, Columbia University, and USAID. Featuring top speakers of Harry Alexander, S.H., M.H., LLM and Dr. A. Hadi Pramono, this seminar was conducted on Monday, 16 December 2013 at room 5B Central Library, UI campus.

Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship in REDD+, Sweden-Indonesia Initiatives: Scoping Workshop

RCCC UI was appointed as facilitator by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and Sweden Embassy for Indonesia to help Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Cooperation Development Division of Sweden Embassy establish and develop partner-driven cooperation. RCCC UI has become future facilitator through UKP4 to search for potential partner and appropriate location in Indonesia.


Sustainable Development Solutions Network Each country and region faces a unique set of challenges in achieving sustainable development. The SDSN initiative is...
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Focused Discussion Forum: The Development of Climate Change Issue and Its Controlling Effort from Various Sector and Scientific Base

Exclusive discussion on climate change with UKP-PPP (UKP4) which was led by Dr. Rachmat Witoelar and facilitated by RCCC UI has been conducted on February 19th, 2013 at PAU building 2nd floor. The discussion, which is a part of UKP-PPI discussion safari, was conducted as the need for establishing scientific bases related to climate change control and strengthening UKP4 team understanding to be able to help government on international discussions.

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